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Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)
đúng lúc

[đúng lúc]
timely; opportune
Sự giúp đỡ đúng lúc
Timely help
Lá»i nhận xét không đúng lúc
Untimely/ill-timed/mistimed/inopportune remarks
Äến đúng lúc
To arrive at an opportune moment/at the right moment/at the right time/at the proper time/in due time/in proper time/in the nick of time
Äến không đúng lúc
To turn up like a bad penny/at the wrong moment; To come at an awkward moment; To come amiss/inopportunely
Äúng lúc......
Just at the moment when....
Cô ấy gật đầu chào tôi đúng lúc tôi đang đánh răng
She greeted me with a nod just at the moment when I was brushing my teeth
Äúng lúc đó
Just at that moment; at that very moment; at the very same time
Äúng lúc đó há» cÆ°á»i phá lên
At that very moment, they burst into laughter

Timely, opportune
Sự giúp đở đúng lúc Timelt help
Äến đúng lúc To arrive at an opportune moment

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